Just like you, your pet can benefit from an Petveda Ayurvedic approach to food, daily routine and Pet Products like Pet Shampoo, Spary , bar. The best Peoducts for your pet is that which most closely resembles the Petveda Ayurveda
The single most important thing to for your cat’s health is to stop feeding him or herdry pet food. Here’s why:
Dry pet food provokes vata because it is dry and rough.Dry cat food provokes pitta due to content of toxic chemicals such as ethoxyquin (usedto harden rubber) and BTA. These lead to aggressive behavior and fighting. Even high- quality dry pet food such as Petveda contains corn, a pitta-provoking allergen. Feeding of a mono-diet also causes food allergies and other pitta reactions, leading to diarrhea and ulcerative colitis.
Caring for your Pet's digestive fire
As a carnivorous hunter, your pet's digestive system is very different from yours.
Although the following rules may sound harsh from a human’s perspective, they are essential for your pet's health.
Leave 12-24 hours between feedings
Do not expose your pet to the smell of cat food between feeding times.
All food MUST be room temperature to lukewarm, NEVER refrigerator-cold.
Feed your pet when he/she is most hungry. For many pitta cats, your bedtime is their dinner time.
Rotate protein sources. pets readily develop food allergies and do not tole
rate a mono-diet.
Don’t give your kitty milk! Cats easily develop a severe addictive allergy to
cow’s milk.
Your pet needs a calm, safe place to eat, where they have no fear of being chased or stepped on.
As a carnivorous hunter, your pet's digestive system is very different from yours.
Although the following rules may sound harsh from a human’s perspective, they are essential for your pet's health.
Leave 12-24 hours between feedings
Do not expose your pet to the smell of cat food between feeding times.
All food MUST be room temperature to lukewarm, NEVER refrigerator-cold.
Feed your pet when he/she is most hungry. For many pitta cats, your bedtime is their dinner time.
Rotate protein sources. pets readily develop food allergies and do not tole
rate a mono-diet.
Don’t give your kitty milk! Cats easily develop a severe addictive allergy to
cow’s milk.
Your pet needs a calm, safe place to eat, where they have no fear of being chased or stepped on.
Once you're prepared to take on the task (with or without your dog's cooperation), here's what to do:
Brush your dog before a bath. Matted hair holds water, leaving your dog with irritated skin
Use lukewarm water.
Talk to your pet in a calm and reassuring voice
use Petveda Shampoo
PETVEDA products are a set of solution based pet grooming products that help maintain your pets’ hygiene and healthy skin and coats. Good grooming is especially important for animals with long hair and those that have trouble keeping themselves clean. It is believed that taking care of this essential need of these animals not only makes them feel comfortable but helps them live a better life
Brush your dog before a bath. Matted hair holds water, leaving your dog with irritated skin
Use lukewarm water.
Talk to your pet in a calm and reassuring voice
use Petveda Shampoo
PETVEDA products are a set of solution based pet grooming products that help maintain your pets’ hygiene and healthy skin and coats. Good grooming is especially important for animals with long hair and those that have trouble keeping themselves clean. It is believed that taking care of this essential need of these animals not only makes them feel comfortable but helps them live a better life