Medicated Spray
Organic Medicated Pet Spray |
PETVEDA Medicated Spray is alcohol free and uses a synergistic blend of pure essential oils of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Citronella along with a special concentrate in this unique formulation that helps the pet against ticks and fleas that may lead to irritation and skin allergies. Special care has been taken to formulate the product so that it does not contain any known ingredients that might have harmful side effects or irritate the skin while still keeping your precious pet free of fleas and ticks.
Ideal for use on pets with sensitive skin Alcohol free Contains no pesticide or other harmful ingredients Specially formulated for use on animals Environment & Human safe.
Purified Water, Olive Oil Ext., Blend Of Eucalyptus & Citronella Essential Oils, Plantservative, Glyceryl Caprylate –
Method Of Use:
Apply by spraying generously on the pet while brushing the coat to ensure that the product goes till the skin. For indoor as well as outdoor use. DO NOT SPRAY IN THE EYES OR INSIDE THE EARS –